A 'force' is so called because you are forcing the thrower to only throw to one side of the field. By preventing throws to one side, you're limiting the options and allowing your teammates to focus their defensive marking on one side. The diagram below (which I ripped off some unsuspecting ultimate site) shows how the defense should ideally set up.

The two directions to force are Home (the side where your stuff is) and Away (the side where your stuff isn't). Usually, some local vernacular comes into play to describe the force side, we might use force Bowls (toward the bowls club) or force Uni (toward uni). We're going to work on forcing this comign week, so if you hear me yelling a force, try and force the thrower to throw that way. If you get confused, don't worry, everyone does. It took me a million years to learn a force existed, then another half a million to work out what it meant.
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